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Philip KT Li
Chinese University of Hong Kong | -

李教授是全球华人肾脏病学会会长,历任香港内科医学院院长 (2016-2022), 亚太肾科学会会长 (2016-2019)、国际腹膜透析学会会长(2014-2016)。他曾任医院管理局中央肾科统筹委员会主席,香港肾科学会主席, 香港移植学会会长「世界肾脏日」国际督导委员会主席及国际肾科学会执行委员,美国肾科学会 (ASN) 科学委员会成员。

李教授先后获邀出任美国的哈佛大学、布朗大学、弗吉尼亚大学,中国的北京大学、南京大学、复旦大学和日本名古屋大学, 瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院的客座教授。


为表彰李教授对肾脏病学和医学的贡献,他获得了多个奖项,包括美国国家肾脏基金会的2012年国际杰出成就奖章,亚太肾科学会的2020年Priscilla Kincaid Smith奖,国际腹膜透析学会 2022年 Oreopoulos 奖和美国肾科学会2023年 Belding Scribner奖。

Prof. Philip Kam-Tao Li is the Senior Consultant Physician of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong and also the Honorary Professor of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the Director of CUHK Carol and Richard Yu Peritoneal Dialysis Research Centre.

Prof. Li is the President of the International Association of Chinese Nephrologists. He is also the Vice President of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Immediate Past President of Hong Kong College of Physicians (2016-2022), the President of Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (2016-9) and President of International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (2014-6). He had served as Chairman of Hong Kong Society of Nephrology, President of Hong Kong Transplantation Society and Co-Chair of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee.

Prof. Li has been Visiting Professor to Harvard Medical School, Brown University and University of Virginia, USA, Nanjing University, Fudan University and Peking University, China, Nagoya University, Japan and Karolinska Institute, Sweden.

He has published over 650 original and review articles in peer-reviewed journals, 5 books and 23 book chapters. He has given over 260 lectures to international congresses, meetings and academic institutions.

Professor Li has won several international awards including the 2012 International Distinguished Medal of the National Kidney Foundation, USA, the 2020 Priscilla Kincaid Smith Award of Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, the 2022 Oreopoulos Award of International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the 2023 Belding H Scribner Award of American Society of Nephrology.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-07 08:30-09:00 第九分会场(多功能厅C2)


讲者 Frailty in Dialysis patients