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Angela Yee-Moon Wang
Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong | Medicine








2022-至今      CKD临床实践指南(CPG)中KDIGO贫血更新的工作组成员

2023-至今      PD患者ISPD-ISRNM 营养管理实践建议的主席


目前在Kidney Int、JASN、CJASN、NDT(主题编辑)、Nephron Clinical Practice(副编辑) 等杂志编委会任职

获得了多个国际奖项,包括最新的托马斯.阿迪斯奖,去年获得国际肾脏营养与代谢学会终身奖,获得2018年美国国家肾脏基金会Joel D. Kopple奖,以及ISPD约翰马赫奖


Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.

She is the Current Chair of International Society of Nephrology (ISN) Education Working Group, Chair of ISN North and East Asia Regional Board, current Councilor of ISN and immediate Past President of the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM), She is also a Council member of the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) and a Committee Member of ISN-Advancing Clinical Trial (ACT). She was an Executive Committee member of KDIGO previously.

She has received several international awards including the latest Thomas Addis Award, a lifetime award of the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism last year and Joel D. Kopple Award of the United States National Kidney Foundation in 2018, as well as the ISPD John Maher Award.

She currently serves on the editorial board of Kidney Int, JASN, CJASN, NDT (Theme Editor), Nephron Clinical Practice (Associate Editor) etc.

She is a workgroup member of the KDIGO Anemia in CKD Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) update (2022 -), Chair of the ISPD-ISRNM Nutrition Management in PD patients Practice Recommendations (2023 -). She has served as a workgroup member of several international CPG including ISPD Prescribing High Quality Goal-Directed PD Guidelines 2020, ISPD and Global Renal Exercise Network Practice Recommendations on Physical Activity and Exercise in PD in 2021, KDOQI Nutrition in CKD Guidelines 2020. She also chaired ISPD Cardiovascular and Metabolic Guidelines in Adult PD Patients in 2015.

She has published over 200 papers and delivered >150 invited lectures in international, national and regional meetings. Her main research interests are cardiovascular, metabolic and nutrition complications in kidney disease. She works in clinical trials to advance evidence-based kidney care.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-07 09:00-09:30 第九分会场(多功能厅C2)


讲者 Highlights of the 20th Congress of the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism 2022