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Christoph Wanner
University of Würzburg

Christoph Wanner是维尔茨堡大学和牛津大学医学教授,维尔茨堡大学医院临床研究和流行病学系教授,英国牛津大学纳菲尔德人口健康系、临床试验服务处教授。


已发表了 950 多篇被pubmed引用的科学论文和文章

Web of science的H-index为107


4D 研究的首席研究员,SHARP、Empagliflozin、FIND CKD 等研究的指导委员会成员。这些研究旨在改善心血管和肾脏疾病进展的管理以及透析治疗肾衰竭的方法。该领域的两项里程碑式研究分别在2005年(4D研究)、2015年和2016年(EMPA-REG结果)发表

2016 年获得了欧洲肾脏协会(ERA)和德国肾脏病学会颁发的最高奖项

现任欧洲肾脏协会主席,任期为 2020 年 6 月至 2024 年 6 月

Christoph Wanner is a Professor of Medicine at the Universities of Würzburg and Oxford, Professor at the Department of Clinical Studies and Epidemiology, University Hospital of Würzburg and at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, Clinical Trial Service Unit, University of Oxford UK.

His research is in the field of diabetic kidney disease, lipid disorders, and rare kidney diseases with a future focus on maintenance or restoration of kidney health. He has published more than 950 pubmed referenced scientific papers and articles (Hirsch Index web of science 107, google scholar 143). He has been PI of the 4D study and a steering committee member of the SHARP, the Empagliflozin studies and the FIND CKD study aiming in improving the management of cardiovascular and kidney disease progression and treatment of kidney failure by dialysis.

Wanners’ two landmark studies in this field have been published in 2005 (The 4D Study) and in 2015 & 2016 (EMPA-REG Outcome)

In 2016 he received the highest awards from the European Renal Association (ERA) and the German Society of Nephrology. 

Dr. Wanner is currently President of the ERA, being in office June 2020-2024.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-09 08:00-08:30 第一分会场(多功能厅A1+A2)


讲者 Preventing CKD: Today and in Future