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Masaomi Nangaku
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine

Masaomi Nangaku教授是东京大学医学研究生院肾脏病学和内分泌学系的主任。他是国际肾脏病学会的主席和亚太肾脏病学会的前任主席。他还是日本肾脏病学会和日本内科学会的主席。 

Masaomi Nangaku教授在国际期刊上发表了490多篇原创文章和110篇综述文章,并在国际学术会议上做了150次特邀报告。他曾担任ASN会议科学项目委员会委员、2016年APCN科学项目委员会主席,以及2019年WCN项目委员会主席。Masaomi Nangaku教授还是2019年首届关于肾脏专题的基石研讨会的共同组织者。他是许多知名期刊的编委会成员,目前第二次担任《Kidney International》杂志的副编辑。  

Masaomi Nangaku教授在肾脏病学方面的主要研究领域包括糖尿病肾病和氧生物学,包括CKD中的贫血。他还是远程医疗“登月研究与开发计划”的主席,该计划设定了雄心勃勃的目标,推动具有挑战性的研发项目,旨在汇聚全球研究人员的智慧,解决棘手的社会难题。

Masaomi Nangaku is Dean and a professor and head of the division of nephrology and endocrinology, the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine. He is President of the International Society of Nephrology and immediate-Past President of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology. He is also President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology and President of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. 

He has published more than 490 original articles and 110 reviews articles in international journals, and has given 150 invited talks at international academic meetings. He served as a member of the Scientific Program Committee of ASN meetings, a chair of the Scientific Program Committee of APCN 2016, and a chair of the program committee of the WCN in 2019. He was also a co-organizer of the first Keystone Symposium on the kidney topic in 2019. He is a member of the editorial board of many prestigious journals, and is currently serving his second term as an associate editor of Kidney International.

His principal interests in nephrology include diabetic kidney disease and oxygen biology in the kidney including anemia in CKD. He is also a chair of the “Moonshot Research and Development Program” of telemedicine, which sets ambitious goals and promotes challenging R&D projects with the aim of resolving difficult societal issues while bringing together the wisdom of researchers from all over the world. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-10 08:00-08:30 第一分会场(多功能厅A1+A2)


讲者 Telemedicine and telenephrology