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Alessia Fornoni
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Fornoni博士是美国迈阿密大学米勒医学院医学、分子和细胞药理学以及生物化学专业的教授。她是佩吉和哈罗德·卡茨药物发现中心的主任和主席。Fornoni教授曾在巴塞尔的Hoffman-La Roche公司获得了药物研发经验,并且是几家初创公司的资助科学家。

Fornoni教授的研究得到了来自美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、工业界和私人基金会的资助。她曾获得过多个赫赫有名的奖项,包括2017年美国临床调查学会(ASCI)会员、2021年美国医师协会(AAP)会员和2023年佛罗里达科学、工程和医学学会(ASEMFL)会员。Fornoni教授即将担任《Journal of the American Society of Nephrology》副主编和2024年世界肾脏病学大会的科学主席。 

除了学术成就之外,Fornoni教授也获得了多个指导奖,她的学生在全球多个学术机构担任领导职务。她担任了MDPhD MSTP项目、CTSI K12项目的联合主任,以及NIH资助的肾脏病学暑期学校的主任。她对指导学生和初级教师迈向成功的学术生涯表现出浓厚兴趣和热情。


Dr. Fornoni is a Professor of Medicine, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, and Biochemistry at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. She is the Director and Chair of the Peggy and Harold Katz Drug Discovery Center. Dr. Fornoni gained experience in drug development at Hoffman-La Roche in Basel, and she is the funding scien?st of several start-up companies. Her research is supported by grants from the NIH, industry, and private founda?ons. She has received pres?gious awards; among them, she is a member of the American Society of Clinical Inves?ga?on (ASCI, 2017), the Associa?on of American Physicians (AAP, 2021), and the Florida Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (ASEMFL, 2023). She is the incoming Deputy Editor of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology and the Scien?fic Chair of the 2024 World Congress of Nephrology. Recipient of mul?ple mentorship awards, her trainees occupy leadership roles in mul?ple academic ins?tu?ons around the globe. Her role as Co-Director of the MDPhD MSTP program, the CTSI K12 program, and the Director of an NIH-funded summer school of Nephrology strongly reflects her interest and passion in mentoring students and junior faculty toward a successful academic career. Through her pioneering work on insulin signaling, cholesterol metabolism, and sphingolipid-related pathways, Dr. Fornoni uncovered novel pathogene?c mechanisms and therapeu?c approaches for glomerular disorders that have successfully translated into ongoing clinical trials.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-08 15:00-15:30 第九分会场(多功能厅C2)

ISN-CSN joint Session1

讲者 Updates in the pathogenesis of DKD
2023-12-08 16:50-17:20 第九分会场(多功能厅C2)

ISN-CSN joint Session2

讲者 Novel therapies for Alport Syndrome