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Chow Yok Wai
Manipal University College Malaysia

Chow Yok Wai教授目前是马来西亚马六甲 Ayer Keroh Pantai 医院的肾脏内科顾问医生。他还同时担任马来西亚玛尼帕尔大学医学院的副教授。他于 2003 年获得英国皇家内科医学院会员资格,并于 2010 年被授予英国爱丁堡内科医学院院士称号。2005 年参加了为期 3 年的肾脏病学研究员计划,并在剑桥大学医院 NHS 基金会信托的阿登布鲁克医院进行了血管炎领域的前沿肾脏病学培训。自2011年起,担任马来西亚透析和移植登记处的专家委员会成员;自2016年起,担任马来西亚透析质量标准的专家委员会成员;以及自2021年起,担任马来西亚Reset Health计划(2型糖尿病和肥胖的生活方式技术干预计划)的专家组成员。2018年在瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院进行了肾脏营养学培训,并通过了国际肾脏营养与代谢学会的肾脏营养学资格认证。他主要的研究领域包括生物制剂在血管炎、慢性肾脏病、糖尿病肾病及肾脏营养中的作用。

Dr Chow is currently Consultant Nephrologist and Physician in Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh, Melaka, Malaysia. He is also Associate Professor to the Manipal University Medical College, Malaysia. He obtained his membership into the Royal College of Physicians of United Kingdom in 2003 and was conferred the Fellowship of College of Physicians of Edinburgh, United Kingdom in 2010. Dr Chow pursued a 3 year Nephrology Fellowship Programme in 2005 and went on with advance nephrology training in the field of vasculitis in Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He is also an expert panel to the Malaysian Dialysis and Transplantation registry since 2011, Malaysian Dialysis Quality Standards since 2016 and ResetHealth Malaysia (Type 2DM and Obesity Lifestyle technology-enabled metabolic interventional programme) since 2021. In 2018, he pursued renal nutrition training in Karolinska Institute in Sweden and underwent renal nutrition certification by the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism. His research interest include the role of biologics in vasculitis, Chronic Kidney Disease, Diabetic Kidney Disease and renal nutrition. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-09 16:15-16:45 第九分会场(多功能厅C2)

APSN & CSN joint session2

讲者 Therapeutic strategies for CKD with diabetes mellitus beyond SLGT-2 inhibitors